Sunday, January 5, 2014

Do what feels right.

If there's one piece of advice I've really taken to heart, it would be: "Do what feels right."

So many of our decisions can be based on other people's opinions, hesitations or our own self-doubt. Lately, I've been doing what feels good for me and focusing less on the noise around me. It's made life so much easier and more enjoyable. No matter how small the decisions might be, I never regret it.

Nothing makes me happier than getting out on a hike or long walk with Rufus. Even when it's freezing out, I bundle up and get moving. To-do list be damned, I'm going to get out of the house for as long as it takes. It clears my mind and makes me feel instantly better.

Feeding myself has become such a passion of mine. I've always loved to cook and bake, but now I see food as true nourishment as well as enjoyable. Making myself a meal that tastes decadent and is filled with all the good stuff my body needs? Pure joy.

I chopped my hair off yesterday. I've been slowly cutting my hair shorter and shorter for the past few months, and I finally took the plunge and am sporting a longer pixie 'do. I'm actually thinking about going a tad shorter but I think I'll try this cut out for awhile first. I love the ease of this haircut.

What do you do for you and only you? How do you treat yourself while also filling up your soul? 

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Food and nutrition. Wellness and balance. Creativity and style. Welfare and love. This is me and this is my blog. Welcome.