Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sunday Musings.

Which way?

Most weekends, Rufus and I visit our favorite park for a long hike followed by some off-leash time to give him a little freedom.  I take a ton of photos of my dog.  He's the being I spend the most time with, so it only makes sense that he often mirrors my feelings and moods in pictures.  As silly as it sounds, this picture sums up how I've been feeling for the past several months.  I'm at a pretty powerful point in my life and am gaining some real momentum.  Now I just need to pick which way I'd like to go.

Fall is my favorite season.  The colors, the cozy clothes, hearty stews and soups, and the hot beverages.  Yes, yes, yes, and yes!  

This girl is only 16.  Wise beyond her years, I cannot get enough of this album.  This has been on repeat during all of our evening walks and long drives. 

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